Create a Free Blog with these 3 Easy Steps!

Create a Free Blog with these 3 Easy Steps! How to Create a Blog – Blogging or writing a blog is now not just a hobby. Blogging activities can also be a source of additional income and support your online business.

For those of you who are interested in trying to start a blog, you don't need to be confused and worried because the process of creating a blog is very simple and takes no more than an hour.

About the cost? Take it easy because there are so many choices of blogging platforms that provide free blogging media for you, one of which is WordPress.

Come on, find out how to create a blog with WordPress by following these easy steps:

Steps to create a WordPress Blog:

1. Create a WordPress Account
  • Go to the official WordPress site and select the “start” or “start” button
  • Give an explanation of the content and purpose of the Blog or Site that you will create.
  • The next step is to name the Blog
  • Choose the package you want.
  • Enter your Email, username and create a password for your WordPress account. After that select “Show My Site” and start designing your blog display!
*Make sure the password consists of capital letters, punctuation marks, and also numbers

2. Blog Design and Design
  • At the initial screen, you will be given a basic view according to your WordPress account data. To change and redesign your blog, you can select the "My Site" menu at the top left of the screen and select the "Themes" menu.
  • Select the theme you want by viewing the “preview” of the list of themes displayed. You can choose a free theme labeled “beginner” for a simple choice of themes without overly complicated settings. Click on the theme of your choice and then select “Activate Design” to use that theme on your blog.
  • Customize the theme you choose, from changing images, entering text, to creating buttons according to your needs. Click “Publish” every time you have edited your blog's theme.

3. Start Writing!
  • Now the design of your WordPress Blog is complete. It's time to fill the Blog with a variety of interesting content through the "Blog Post" menu. First of all, first fill in the main pages of your Blog such as the “Contact”, “About Us” pages, and other pages that you need. To add a new post or article just click "add"

Basically the editing menu when writing a blog is similar to the editing menu in writing software in general. Also add images to make your blog more attractive by selecting the 'add' menu to include images, videos, and other multimedia.

Isn't it difficult to start creating your own blog? Don't forget to always fill the Blog with various interesting and informative articles so that the Blog becomes crowded with visitors and is able to help you maximize the online business you have.

Congratulations on being creative with your WordPress blog!

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